Splat – Cleaning indicator
Splat is a specially designed product line of test soils for controlling medical material washing procedures within sterilization departments. These indicators are used together with different types of reusable stainless steel holders specifically designed to monitor washer-disinfector or ultrasonic washing machines. This unique feature allows using the same indicator strip with different holders, depending on the washing machine type (and load) to be monitored. The indicator is placed inside the holder together with the load, and the final accepted result is obtained when the ink is totally removed from the strip.
Pro1 Micro – Protein quantification system
It is essential to go beyond the visual examination of the material after the washing cycle to ensure that the executed process was efficient. Different international standards like ISO 15883 and HTM01-01 recommend using a total quantification system for residual proteins that allows (from a random instrument) testing the exact remaining amount and determine if it is possible to release the entire load, taking into account the final result obtained. Such is the case of ChemDye Pro1 Micro, a device developed by Terragene in a useful pen format with a swab that consists of a reactive solution to specifically react with the remaining proteins and provide an exact measurement using the Bionova MiniPro Auto-reader.
MiniPro Auto-reader
This auto-reader allows not only to obtain a precise quantitative result through a printed ticket but also to get a complete traceability system for the hygiene monitoring process when working together with Bionova traceability software. The perfect analysis system is achieved when using Pro1Micro and MiniPro together with Bionova’s software: reading, generation of the results, constant monitoring of the washing machines tested, and report generation. This unique worldwide monitoring system has been developed using the same technology and quality bases present in Bionova’s biological indicators, which allows transferring to the washing processes the biological monitoring technology used for sterilization.
Terragene is today the only company that has managed to bring the washing monitoring process to the same level of quality and excellence as an ultra-fast biological indicator used in sterilization monitoring processes. We are taking biotechnology to another level and applying it to health in a way never seen before.