Artificial intelligence
helping you make
better decisions.

Smart solutions
AI technology assists in making more accurate interpretations.

Digitize all your results
All your indicators together in the same Bionova® Cloud Platform: The best choice quality management inside the SPD/CSSD. No more physical databases.

Whole traceability
All the information is automatically linked and generated: Indicator SKU, Indicator Lot number, expiration date, final result and sterilizer/washer where it was exposed.

Performance you can rely on
Outstanding hardware and software technology working together to give accurate information avoiding any human potential mistake from a missused indicator, to the result interpretation and even related to the equipment monitoring.

Getting easier and faster access to reliable information across multiple facilities
Trazanto now allows the automatic incorporation of results of chemical indicators and washing Indicators in the same traceability system where the rest of the Terragene® monitoring indicators are automatically managed and analyzed. Terragene devices allows to manage all together in the same platform: Bionova® biological indicators, Chemdye® Pro1Micro (hygiene monitoring system based on the absolute quantification of total proteins), Chemdye® washing indicators, and Chemdye®/Integron® chemical indicators.




- Chemdye® Trazanto Splat CDWA4 cleaning indicator for monitoring automatic and ultrasonic washing machines effectiveness.
- Chemdye® Trazanto Lumenia CDWE cleaning indicator to be used with Chemdye® Lumenia devices to evaluate automatic reprocessing washing machines.
- Integron® Trazanto IT26-1YS unique point chemical integrator for monitoring steam sterilization processes.
- Integron® Trazanto IT26-C moving front chemical integrator for monitoring steam sterilization processes.
- Integron® Trazanto IT26SBL unique point chemical integrator for monitoring steam sterilization processes.
- Chemdye® Trazanto CD42 process indicator for monitoring hydrogen peroxide sterilization processes.
- Chemdye® Trazanto CD40 multivariable process indicator for monitoring hydrogen peroxide sterilization processes.
- Chemdye® Trazanto CD50 multivariable process indicator for monitoring formaldehyde sterilization processes.
- Chemdye® Trazanto BD125X/1 Bowie-Dick test pack to detect inadequate air removal and steam penetration in vacuum-assisted Steam sterilizers.
- Chemdye® Trazanto BD125X/2 Bowie-Dick test pack to detect inadequate air removal and steam penetration in vacuum-assisted steam sterilizers.
- PCD Process Challenge Device PCD20-2 | PCD220-2 | PCD222-2 | PCD224-2 | PCD225-2 | PCD26-2 | PCD20-C | PCD220-C | PCD222-C | PCD224-C | PCD225-C | PCD26-C
- Lumenia SixFlow* Challenge Kit designed for monitoring the efectiveness of cleaning performance of flexible endoscopes in Automatic Endoscope Reprocessors. *Compatible with next version of Bionova® Cloud.

Disruptive technology for sterilization process management

Smart solutions
AI technology assists in making more accurate interpretations.

Digitize all your results
All your indicators together in the same Bionova® Cloud Platform: The best choice quality management inside the SPD/CSSD. No more physical databases.

Whole traceability
All the information is automatically linked and generated: Indicator SKU, Indicator Lot number, expiration date, final result and sterilizer/washer where it was exposed.

Whole traceability
Outstanding hardware and software technology working together to give accurate information avoiding any human potential mistake from Outstanding hardware and software technology working together to give accurate information avoiding any human potential mistake going from a missused indicator, to the result interpretation and even related to the equipment monitoring.




- Chemdye® Trazanto aplt CDWA4 cleaning indicator for monitoring automatic and ultrasonic washing machines effectiveness.
- Chemdye® Trazanto Lumenia CDWE cleaning indicator to be used with Chemdye® Lumenia devices to evaluate automatic reprocessing washing machines.
- Integron® Trazanto IT26-1YS unique point chemical integrator for monitoring steam sterilization processes.
- Integron® Trazanto IT26-C moving front chemical integrator for monitoring steam sterilization processes.
- Integron® Trazanto IT26SBL unique point chemical integrator for monitoring steam sterilization processes.
- Chemdye® Trazanto CD42 process indicator for monitoring hydrogen peroxide sterilization processes.
- Chemdye® Trazanto CD40 multivariable process indicator for monitoring hydrogen peroxide sterilization processes.
- Chemdye® Trazanto CD50 multivariable process indicator for monitoring formaldehyde sterilization processes.
- Chemdye® Trazanto BD125X/1 Bowie-Dick test pack to detect inadequate air removal and steam penetration in vacuum-assisted Steam sterilizers.
- Chemdye® Trazanto BD125X/2 Bowie-Dick test pack to detect inadequate air removal and steam penetration in vacuum-assisted steam sterilizers.
- PCD Process Challenge Device PCD20-2 | PCD220-2 | PCD222-2 | PCD224-2 | PCD225-2 | PCD26-2 | PCD20-C | PCD220-C | PCD222-C | PCD224-C | PCD225-C | PCD26-C
- Lumenia SixFlow* Challenge Kit designed for monitoring the efectiveness of cleaning performance of flexible endoscopes in Automatic Endoscope Reprocessors. *Compatible with next version of Bionova® Cloud.