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The importance of environmental disinfection control

During 2020, environmental disinfection has taken on special relevance due to the appearance of a type of coronavirus that, even at the beginning of 2021, continues to be the cause of a pandemics with one of the greatest impact in history. This pandemic affected all people’s lives. And so, all those places that we thought would never cease their activities were forced to adapt to this new reality, the new normal.

Due to this situation, certifying that any available space for human use is disinfected has become indispensable, and that is the reason that we have created the first world Disinfection Certification System. It uses quality standards similar to those used in operating rooms, but with the simplicity and portability of a mobile APP and the traceability of QR codes, to record levels of disinfection of environments. 

DCS Provides transparent information for companies and customers

It allows companies to digitize their protocols,
systematize them and make them visible to their clients for greater trust and security. It is used to plan different protocols in areas with a large influx of people, as hotels, companies, airports, cinemas, schools, means of transport, and other kinds of public zones.

It responds to increased levels of anxiety, fear of going out and new thresholds for sanitization and disinfection. Revalues ​​transparency in information and communication reliable, making evironment safer for people.

Technologies behind DCS

Our system has two equally important elements, the first one is a series of Control Disinfection Indicator labels, and the second is a digital system that people can use to obtain information about every disinfection process.

The DCS system features an artificial intelligence module that allows each of the reactive labels to be read and evaluated automatically.

Science is all about making things happen to create a better future.


Control Disinfection

In every monitored area, there are hotspots we want to analyze (if they were disinfected or not), they must be tagged with the Chemical Disinfection Indicators. They will change the middle line color when disinfection process is completed and successful.

The color change of the reactive labels is carried out using the TensorFlow artificial intelligence tool, which is an open source library for machine learning developed by the Google company. Specifically, a KNN type algorithm (K-Nerther-Neighbor) based on a supervised type instance of Machine Learning.

The system uses two types of labels

One of them is used to identify the zone to be disinfected with a QR code, and the other contains the chemical reagent that indicates the level of disinfection.


  • Double self-adhesive 29 x 22.5 mm
  • Color: Black
  • Unique QR Code
  • Label for control of disinfection processes by UV radiation

  • Double self-adhesive 29 x 22.5 mm label to be used with the manual DCS - LABELER.
  • Initial color: yellow.
  • Final color: orange / red (depending on the dose of UV-C radiation received and for doses higher than 50 mJ / cm2).
  • Label for control of hydrogen peroxide aerosol disinfection processes

  • Double self-adhesive 29 x 22.5 mm label for use with the manual DCS - LABELER
  • Initial color: Violet Final color: Green
  • Concentration of the hydrogen peroxide solution: 6% P / P
  • Label for control of quaternary ammonium disinfection processes

  • 29 x 22.5 mm double self-adhesive label to be used with the DCS - LABELER
  • Initial color: Yellow Final color: green / blue
  • Concentration of the quaternary ammonium solution: 0.5% P / P
  • Label for control of ozono disinfection control

  • 29 x 22.5 mm double self-adhesive label to be used with the DCS - LABELER
  • Initial color: Blue
  • Final color: Yellow
  • Disinfection Control with DCS App

    This application was developed to allow organizations to trace their disinfection control processes and get access to the DCS Certification. To activate the app, the user must scan the QR code of a valid and unused chemical indicator label, before proceeding to create an account in the DCS system for the first and only time.